
Waldemar Lipka
Head of Kompap continuously since 2007, he has also since 1991 been the President of the Grand company, in which he is also a shareholder. In 2010 he finalised the repurchase of the shares in the Olsztyńskie Zakłady Graficzne OZGraf from the Ministry of Treasury. In the following year he conducted a similar transaction relating to Białostockie Zakłady Graficzne BZGraf. As a result, Kompap's portfolio includes two of Poland's largest book and magazine printing companies. Initially, he worked on the Supervisory Boards of both companies and, in the years 2011–2012, acted as President there. Next, he returned to the Supervisory Boards of these companies, where, to the present day, he is Chairman. In the years 2009–2010 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of MUZA SA.
Supervisory board
Jakub Knabe
Member of the Supervisory Board
In 2010 Mr Jakub Knabe graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Gdańsk holding the first place. He completed the legal advisors' apprenticeship and in 2014 was registered as a legal advisor at the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Gdańsk. He runs the profession at his Chamber of Legal Advisors and stays in cooperation with the Misiewicz, Mosek and Partners' Chamber of legal advisors. Since May 2011 he has been Member of the Supervisory Board at the Issuer, and since December 2013 he has been on the Supervisory Board in OZGraf Olsztyńskie Zakłady Graficzne S.A., its subsidiary company. Within January-August 2013 he was Member of the Supervisory Board in Black Lion Fund S.A.
Marek Głuchowski
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
1978-1983 - University of Gdańsk, Master’s degree in Law and Master’s degree in Administration achieved;
1983-1985 - Regional Court in Gdańsk -judges' apprenticeship
1986 - the legal advisors' examination passed;
1989 - University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Law and Administration, PhD in Legal Sciences.
Professional experience:
1983 - 1997 - Assistant Professor at the University of Gdańsk, Department of Commercial and Private International Law;
1993 - 1999 - Lecturer at the WSB University in Gdańsk;
1993 - 2006 - Member of the Supervisory Board in FALA Sp. z o.o. in Gdańsk,
1996 - 2003 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board in PORT-SERVICE Sp. z o.o. in Gdańsk,
1997 - 2006 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board in WILBO S.A. in Gdynia
1997 - 2002 - Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board in the MAGNA POLONIA S.A. National Investment Fund in Warsaw,
1998 - 1999 - Member of the Supervisory Board in the National Depository for Securities Jsc. in Warsaw
1998 - 2006 - Member of the Supervisory Board in NORDEA Bank Polska S.A. in Gdynia,
2002 - 2006 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board in CENTRUM HAFFNERA Ltd. Co. in Sopot,
2005 - 2006 - Member of the Supervisory Board in the MAGNA POLONIA S.A National Investment Fund in Warsaw,
2006 - 2008 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board in PKO BP S.A. in Warsaw,
11.01.2007 - 11.04.2007 - delegated from the Supervisory Board to perform the duties of President of the Management Board,
2007 - until now - Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Pocztowy S.A. in Warsaw. Currently - Senior Managing Partner at the ZWARA Sp. P. Głuchowski, Jedliński, Rodziewicz Chamber of legal advisors and attorneys in Sopot.
Member of the Supervisory Board
2021 - Uniwersytet Otwarty Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego – Business and Financial English
2019 - Uniwersytet Otwarty Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego – Zaawansowana analiza sprawozdań finansowych
2010 – 2013 - Studia III stopnia (doktoranckie) Uniwersytet Gdański Wydział Zarządzania – 5 semestrów
1997 - 2000 MBA Master of Business Administration przy Uniwersytecie Gdańskim we współpracy z Universiteit Antwerpen, Copenhagen Business School i Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
1992 Podyplomowe Studium Marketingu, Gdańska Fundacja Kształcenia Menedżerów we współpracy z Strathclyde University Glasgow
1987 - 1992 Studia magisterskie, Akademia Morska (Wyższa Szkoła Morska w Gdyni), Wydział Administracyjny, Specjalność: ekonomia i intendentura okrętowa
Professional experience:
02.2021 do dziś - COO – Dyrektor Operacyjny – Keemple Polska Sp. z o.o.
01.2020 – 12.2020 CEO – Dyrektor Zarządzający - Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry Sp. z.o.o. 06.2014 – 07.2019 - Członek Rady Nadzorczej - BZGraf S.A. (grupa kapitałowa Kompap S.A. notowana na GPW)
06.2012 – 12.2019 - Prezes Zarządu - OZGraf S.A. (grupa kapitałowa Kompap S.A. notowana na GPW)
07.2011 – 06.2012 Członek Zarządu - OZGraf S.A. (grupa kapitałowa Kompap S.A. notowana na GPW)
01.2010 – 12.2011 Country Manager / Dyrektor Zarządzający - Bindomatic AB, Oddział w Polsce
08.2007 – 12.2009 Członek Zarządu - Kompap S.A.
01.2005 – 07.2007 Członek Rady Dyrektorów - Vector Sp. z o.o.
10.2001 – 01.2005 Dyrektor Generalny – Unibind Polska Sp. z o.o.
02.2000 – 10.2001 Prezes Zarządu / Dyrektor Zarządzający - Atext S.A.
06.1992 – 02.2000 Dyrektor Sprzedaży / Kierownik Regionu Północnego / Kierownik Przedstawicielstwa - Chio Lilly Snack Foods Sp. z o.o. (Polsnack Sp. z o.o.)
Dariusz Lipka
Member of the Supervisory Board
Prywatne Liceum Ogólnokształcące Sopocka Akademia Tenisowa - Rok ukończenia 2005
Professional experience:
2021 – obecnie - Menadżer ds. rozwoju biznesu OZGraf S. A.
2020-2021 - Menadżer ds. rozwoju biznesu Grand Sp. z o.o.
2019 - Menadżer ds. rozwoju Imprimus Sp. z o.o.
2009-2019 - Własna działalność gospodarcza DLPLUS Dariusz Lipka.
Edward Łaskawiec
Member of the Supervisory Board
Higher teaching education. He has run business since 1978. In 1993 he built a coffee roasting plant (now under lease). Currently he holds stakes and serves as the President of the Management Board in Druk Ekspres Spółka z o.o. seated in Kwidzyn dealing with, among others, printing of TV instructions. It also holds stakes in health food companies.