Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe Kompap (Production and Trade Company Kompap) is a recognised manufacturer of print products. The company’s offer include a great variety of commonly-used jobbing prints manufactured on professional and modern offset machines, such as accounting, HR, payroll paper, warehouse stationery and sales prints. Additionally, Kompap specialises in the production of the self-adhesive labels produced on special flexographic machines, but also of printed ATM and fiscal cash register rolls, and printer paper. The company’s key customers are mainly from the printing industry, paper wholesalers, transport and logistics companies, and pharmaceutical and food companies.
The company was founded in 1989 on the initiative of a few individuals from the Łódź paper business, with the participation of the companies Ortex, Orpap and Zakłady Celulozowo-Papiernicze in Kwidzyń. Since 1996, Kompap has been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Białostockie Zakłady Graficzne BZGraf – one of the leading book and magazine printers in Poland. It offers its clients a full range of printing services for the production of books, magazines, jobbing prints or calendars. BZGraf's clients are the biggest publishers on the market, such as: Wydawnictwo Olesiejuk, Grupa PWN, Publicat, C.H. Beck, Burda Publishing, Dom Wydawniczy Rebis, Znak and others. nne.. The company also successfully provides its services on the European market. BZGraf products are present in, among others, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, France and Portugal. The company was founded in 1944.
BZGraf works ceaselessly to offer its clients the most modern solutions. It was the first company on the Polish market to introduce integrated bindery. To meet even the most sophisticated requirements of its clients, the plant uses the latest solutions from the world's leading suppliers of printing machines and appliances, such as Heidelberg or KBA, and the world leaders of the binding market, Kolbus and SiglochMachinenbau. BZGraf has been awarded many prestigious distinctions.

Olsztyńskie Zakłady Graficzne OZGraf – one of the largest book and magazine printing companies in Poland. It specialises in printing books, albums, encyclopedias and school books (representing 95% of sales), and various types of jobbing prints. OZGraf's clients include the largest national, and foreign, publishing houses. More than 1/3 of books printed in Olsztyn are exported, mainly to Scandinavia, but also to Great Britain, Germany, France or Italy. The company was founded in 1945.
OZGraf has modern machinery enabling the quick and easy fulfillment of almost any order. In the production process we use modern technologies from the world's leading printing industry solution providers, such as Heidelberg.
OZGraf has repeatedly received distinctions and awards both from institutions and organisations in the printing industry and its clients.